Chapter 380: Nine Revolutions Fire Pill Technique (Five Thousand Word Chapter)_3

He was defeated and humiliated, much like a dead dog, and was even forced to kneel in public.

This night would undoubtedly be unforgettable for Wu Antong, leaving an indelible shadow in his heart, accompanying him for life, never leaving nor forsaking.


The three exchanged glances and burst into laughter, the sound hearty and echoing in the streets, showing a complete lack of humanity.

That night, Zhou Dao left.

He had just acquired the [Fury God Character Skill] and wanted to return to study it thoroughly, reflecting on the Sun Word Stele Text, hoping to master the Sunset Sect Taoist Skill soon.

Before leaving, he gave Wang Xuanzhi and Ma Yinglong five [Dragon Breath Pills] each.

"Cultivate diligently, I should be joining the Demon Control Department soon."

Before parting, Zhou Dao exhorted.

With someone to reflect on the [Fury God Character Skill], the day he mastered the Sunset Sect Taoist Skill was not far away.
