Chapter 408: Refining Realm Perfection! Taizu's Essence Blood (5k Big Chapter, seeking votes)_2

"I'm still far from it. The technique is but a trivial aspect."

Zhou Dao shook his head.

A few days ago, he was in retreat at Peace Temple, often seeking advice from Li Cangfeng.

Being personally guided by a mighty Sword Pillar was an opportunity that others could only wish for.

Zhou Dao's cultivation made leaps and bounds, and his perspective far surpassed his past.

It was precisely because of this that Zhou Dao realized he still had room for improvement.


Zhou Dao dissolved his [Taiyi Thunder Sword], the blood energy within his body pulsed like a real dragon, flowing through the twelve human body channels, and connecting the [Nine Major Acupoints].

His flesh-body seemed to have been activated, brimming with auspicious qi, rays of light bursting from him, and a fragrance akin to an elixir permeated the area.

"The pinnacle of the Refining Realm is indeed magical." Wang Xuanzhi couldn't help but marvel.

He could feel that Zhou Dao's life form had changed.