Chapter 409: Taiyi Fire Talisman! Crazy Offering (5k Mega Chapter, please vote)_3

Zhou Dao had a thought and opened the Green Coiling Treasure Bag.

The next moment, a vague strand flew out, soaring into the sky, and rushing towards the fox's phantom.

"Hahaha, a Three-Eyed Demon Fox, what a great nourishment. I didn't expect that after so many years, I can still eat such a delicacy!"

Mad Wolf's laughter resonated through heaven and earth, shaking the ground.

In the midst of the terrifying storm, the divine soul of the Earth King Corpse revealed its true form.

The fox's phantom was taken aback at first, but when it saw the appearance of [Earth King Corpse], the smile on its face froze abruptly, and its scarlet eyes showed boundless fear, almost scaring its soul to extinction.

"Earth can it be..."

The fox's phantom let out a frightened scream, without any nonsense, turned around and left, with its figure becoming much more ethereal due to fear.