Chapter 444: Renowned throughout the world! Five Steps in the True Realm_3

The overwhelming power and despair they felt now seemed extremely real in retrospect.


At this moment, a paper kite flew in through the sea of clouds, landing in the hands of the middle-aged Taoist and transforming into a letter.

The middle-aged Taoist unfolded it to read, his brow furrowing involuntarily.

"Master, what's wrong?" Jin Shuanglin asked.

"That little imp named Wang Xiaoyi has escaped again," the middle-aged Taoist priest said in a grave tone.

"What? Even the law enforcement team couldn't apprehend him?" Jin Shuanglin asked in surprise.

A few days ago, she had vaguely heard her fellow disciples discussing the law enforcement team's pursuit of a fugitive called Wang Xiaoyi, deploying dozens of experts to capture him.

At first, Jin Shuanglin didn't pay much mind to it, thinking he was a demon practitioner of some vile arts who had unfortunately crossed the path of Dragon and Tiger Mountain's beacon of righteousness.

But it seemed that it wasn't that simple.