Chapter 458: The Black Cat Appears! Chaotic Hole True Qi (5k Big Chapter)_3

Husky managed to avoid serious harm after an attack.

Just this alone makes this Dog Demon immensely valuable for research.

"Demon, you won't escape today."

Quan Taoist's five fingers spread out, unleashing the Sand Demon True Qi with a force that covered the sky and land, filling a hundred miles. At the same time, the Black Poison Scorpion King Hook transformed into a hazy gray light, charging straight at Husky.


Husky shook its body, stirring up the demonic energy, and fought back.

"Overestimating your own abilities." The Seventh Prince sneered.

There are five steps in the True Realm, and Great Demons are also divided into five levels: Initial, Middle, Upper, Extreme, and Perfect.

This Great Dog Demon in front of them was only at the Initial Realm. For Quan Taoist, with his Foundation Essence cultivation and sinister tactics, it would be an easy capture.

"This will be mine too."