Chapter 849: Borrow Another 500 Years from the Sky! The Ancestor's Dream

In the raging torrent of destiny, waves from an endless future existed within the crevices of time.

Even with the power of the Auspicious Demon God, only a shadow could be manifested to spy upon the supreme, eternal heavenly will.

But now, Zhou Dao had directly charged towards that projection.

It was like throwing a stone into a river... A single stone incites a thousand ripples, the ever-expanding waves causing tremendous impacts, impacts not only on the present but also on the past and the future.

Such an act against the heavens, let alone Zhou Dao, even the Auspicious Demon God would suffer great repercussions.

"You madman..." The Auspicious Demon God could no longer maintain her previous composure and indifference, emitting a heart-wrenching roar.