Chapter 860: I Don't Share the Sky with Evil! Repairing Heaven Mysteries_2

"Primordial King!?" Skull Evil Taoist was taken aback when he heard that.

Although he had lived in the Outer Void for a long time, he had also heard of the notoriety of the Primordial King. This was one of the hottest figures in the world today, a rising star with most robust backing for nearly a hundred years.

"So you've been colluding with the Primordial King from early on?" Skull Evil Taoist's train of thought made even Ming Cangxuan astonished.

"Shut your damn mouth."

Ming Cangxuan was too laz,y to bother, and with a stiff face, he squeezed out a slight smile at Zhou Dao.

These fools have never seen the ferocious power of the Primordial King. He might appear to be all smiles with you now, but the next moment, he could be laughing while killing someone.

One should know that ever since this man began his career, the number of experts who had died at his hands were like the girls in the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion of the capital, tied up in heaps and heaps.