Let Me Teach You How To Cultivate

On this 2000-year-old stele, an image of the Four Sacred Beasts was carved.

The Four Sacred Beasts were the Black Tortoise, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and Azure Dragon.

Li Qingshan sensed that this was a very powerful technique. So he wanted to try and learn it.

Hence, he sat before the stele and observed it attentively, immersing himself in his comprehension.

As time passed, Li Qingshan was completely immersed in his comprehension. He looked at the lines of the Four Sacred Beasts and the aura they emitted. His spiritual consciousness was drawn in.

He did not mind at all.

He had unlimited spiritual consciousness since he had maxed level comprehension. Therefore, he was not bothered when his spiritual consciousness was being drained by the stele.

If this were any other person, when their spiritual consciousness was sucked dry, they would immediately become confused and be like a walking zombie.