Great Venerable

Li Qingshan had not ever purposely tried to make a breakthrough in the past three years.

Because for him, a breakthrough was an effortless thing. What he needed to do was to grow his root bones.

This way, his future path would be much easier and smoother.

Thus, he had been suppressing his cultivation for the past three years and growing his root bones. Li Qingshan only needed to breakthrough after his root bones surpassed the plane.

Now, his root bones had surpassed his cultivation.

It was not just a root bone. Instead, it was an extremely massive green forest, and all of it was Li Qingshan's root bones.

On that day, after three years, Li Qingshan stood under the eaves of the bamboo hut. Beside him was the translucent, crystal-white Little Fox.

She was four years old now and had quite good cultivation, and she was already at the peak of the Distant Shore Plane.