A Changed Human World

In those ten years, Little Nine was not the only one who felt the change in the World Spiritual Qi. All cultivators above the Ninth Heaven Great Venerable could feel it. The World Spiritual Qi had increased by at least three times compared to ten years ago.

Countless cultivators were celebrating. They were cheering, thinking the world had opened the door to the Saint Plane.

Someone even said, "Judging at the rate of increase in Spiritual Qi, a Saint will definitely descend into the world within these twenty years."

However, they didn't know that what they thought was the release of restrictions was actually caused by Li Qingshan's sword slashes.

For the past ten years, Li Qingshan had been wiping the steles every day, comprehending skills, meditating and comprehending Paths.

The extent of Li Qingshan's improvement was far beyond the world's imagination.