Great Thunderclap Temple (3)

Previously, at the foot of the mountain, he wanted to absorb the Power of Faith, but it was impossible for him to circulate other skills.

This time, Li Qingshan stood in the Buddha Hall and looked at those lifelike Buddha statues while circulating the Trikaya Buddhist Scriptures.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The Power of Faith on those statues flowed slowly into Li Qingshan's body. Then, it entered his sea of consciousness through his meridians and bones, winding around the Trikaya Buddhist Scriptures.

The three Buddhas that had been condensed from the Trikaya Buddhist Scriptures were originally illusory. At that moment, they were slowly filled with the Power of Faith and became real.

The Power of Faith was absorbed by the Buddhas.

Since Li Qingshan had found the right way, he was not in a hurry to leave. He sat cross-legged in the Buddha Hall and silently recited the Trikaya Buddhist Scriptures.