Counting the Experts in the Human World (4)

Zhao Minghuang was too ruthless.

The general public was constantly spurning him, filled with righteous indignation and burning with anger.

He killed his brother and his mother.

He was a beast.

Zhao Minghuang's reputation in the Human World was completely ruined.

Zhao Minghuang sat in the main hall and caressed the demonic saber. He didn't lose his temper, nor did his face turn pale. He had returned to normal.

"Since I've been exposed, there's no need to continue living with a hypocritical mask. Why do I, Zhao Minghuang, need to explain what I have done in my life to others?" Zhao Minghuang sneered and ignored the voices that were denouncing him.

The scene in the sky kept changing.

There were scenes of Zhao Minghuang killing and devouring his enemies.

There were also scenes of Zhao Minghuang deliberately befriending others and waiting for them to let down their guard before secretly killing them.