Counting the Experts in the Human World (13)

Counting the Experts in the Human World (13)

"I've lived for too long and have forgotten many things. I can't remember what I cared about all those years. I can use the ranking to look at my past this time." The Buddhist Demonic Monk sighed.

After living for so many years, the only thing that supported him was to complete the Buddhist scriptures he cultivated.


Using the sky as the screen, the past was presented.

A barbaric era appeared in the sky, which made everyone marvel.

The era in which the Buddhist Demonic Monk lived seemed to be the furthest away from them.

At that time, the Human World was still in the tribal era. The various sects had not yet been born. The 100,000 tribes fought against each other in the world, and the barbaric aura assaulted them.

The world had never seen that era before, so the people were immediately attracted.

However, the story's protagonist was not in the tribe at the beginning.