Successful Breakthrough

Li Qingshan shook his head. This incident was a lesson to him, telling him not to be so extravagant next time.

Those ten or so people were all Human World Immortals, and there were three Ascension Immortals. They definitely had a lot of points.

"Fortunately, I have 1,000 points on me. It should be enough for me to go to Chang'an. I hope no one will target me on the way." Li Qingshan shook his head, feeling sorry for those who had their eyes on him.

After crossing Wei River and entering the real Dimensional Battlefield, Li Qingshan finally saw the true appearance of this world, which was very different from the Human World.

In the entire Dimensional Battlefield, other than the safe zone, there was no place where large numbers of people gathered.

Those who were active outside the safe zone had no fixed residence.

They belonged to the wandering personnel.