Surprising Neighbor

The three Great Paths' fusion was unlike the fusion of the Fast Path of Sword, the Slow Path of Sword, and the Quick Kill Swordsmanship.

For the latter fusion, it involved variations of the Path of Sword. Therefore, it was more akin to an internal fusion in the wider family of Path of Sword.

However, Imaginary Prison was about intra-family fusion.

It was the epitome of a fusion of three Great Paths.

"If I succeed, then in the future, when I comprehend other Great Paths, there will be no restrictions. Every Great Path can be fused, and I will have thousands of Great Paths in my body." The more Li Qingshan thought about it, the more excited he became. He clapped his hands excitedly and jumped up and down in the room.

After the excitement, Li Qingshan calmed down and warned himself, "It's very difficult to draw the ground into a prison. It's but an idea. Don't be complacent."