The Power of the Heavenly Emperor (1)

This matter started because of the Heavenly Emperor and ended because of the Heavenly Emperor.

Since she said she could handle it, Li Qingshan wouldn't push himself.

It was Xia Wuji who expressed concern, "I heard that the Big River Gang's leader is in the Longevity cultivation plane. Can you beat him?"

The Heavenly Emperor remained calm. There was no worry or fear on her beautiful face. She replied, "Don't worry. Now that we're back in Chang'an, give me some time, and this matter will be resolved."

"Let's go. Our fate has been intertwined. We ascended the Immortal Path Golden Ranking together, entered the Dimensional Battlefield together, and now we meet here. I'll treat you guys to a drink," Xia Wuji said.

Li Qingshan had no objections.