The Power of the Heavenly Emperor (3)

Heavenly Emperor, under the gaze of two individuals, smiled charmingly and said, "Naturally, I intend to follow the path of the ancients."

"Are you not afraid of violating the rules of the Dimensional Battlefield?" Xia Wuji inquired.

"As long as I am powerful enough, the rules of the Dimensional Battlefield are nothing more than scraps of paper," the Heavenly Emperor asserted with arrogance.

"It appears that we have reached an agreement," Li Qingshan stated, suppressing his anger and raising his wine glass with a smile.

"Let's toast to our agreement."

Xia Wuji and the Heavenly Emperor immediately raised their glasses and emptied them.

After the drinking, the atmosphere lightened, no longer as tense as before.

"Since we've managed to meet here, have any of you encountered others from the Golden Ranking? Especially Bei Rong, Emperor Xia, and Zhao Minghuang?" Xia Wuji suddenly thought of something and asked.