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The news of the Undying Holy Buddha made Li Qingshan unable to calm down.

This senior figure had been someone he closely followed. Although separated by thousands of years, Li Qingshan had been friends with him for a long time due to his maxed-level comprehension skills. Naturally, Li Qingshan attached great importance to the news of the Undying Holy Buddha.

"The book says he died in the center of the battlefield."

"I've read a lot about the central battlefield in the past six months. It's the last place before entering the Path to Immortality."

"To traverse the central battlefield is to enter the Path to Immortality!"

"There isn't much recorded about the Undying Holy Buddha. Is it because there's nothing to record, or is it out of fear to record it?"

"There's only one sentence on the eleventh floor of the library. I can't find anything else. It seems that if I want to know the true answer, I have to go to the central battlefield!"