6,436! (3)

"If this were true, too many people died in that great battle." Li Qingshan gulped.

He looked into the distance, where a scavenger was completely unfazed, focused on searching for treasures.

Li Qingshan still felt a lingering effect as he began to venture deeper, passing through the edge of the central battlefield.

The edge area, picked clean by scavengers, was eerily calm. Li Qingshan couldn't spot anything, making him suspect whether this place had been thoroughly plundered.

As he continued deeper, the pressure increased significantly. The group leader just now had not lied. Li Qingshan truly felt the weight.

It was as if the air was being compressed, and the space itself was shrinking. A colossal pressure pressed in from all directions, making breathing difficult and instilling a sense of despair, an unstoppable force.

Of course, this pressure was negligible for him.

However, this wasn't even the core area.