Great Path of Time

The Great Path of Time flowed in the center of the battlefield. Time quickly reversed in this ancient battlefield.

In the eyes of the world, the change in the central battlefield was too unbelievable.

What happened 5,000 years ago had been buried by dust and no longer existed. But now, Li Qingshan had brushed away the dust and time reversed back to the past.

The world had witnessed a miracle.

A miracle called Path of Time.

Everyone watched in shock. Even a fool could see the changes in the central battlefield.

The central battlefield was still the central battlefield.

However, after 5,000 years backward, it returned to the land that had never been shattered or destroyed.

The central battlefield of the past was not like the present.

Li Qingshan made the central battlefield appear as it was, and the senior experts who had died there began to revive.

The first one was the woman who Li Qingshan had personally buried.