Hua Xiangrong's News (3)

Immortal Northstar explained to Li Qingshan, advising him not to be hasty, and reassuring him that the Immortal Plane's attention to the Human World wasn't as significant as people might think.

Li Qingshan listened attentively and asked, "In that case, if I open the Heaven Gate, won't it alert the higher-ups?"

Immortal Northstar was startled and looked at Li Qingshan in surprise, "You want to open the Heaven Gate?"

Li Qingshan nodded with determination.

"No wonder you closed the Path of Immortality earlier. So, this was your plan," Immortal Northstar expressed in astonishment.

"Is it possible?" Li Qingshan humbly inquired. He needed to clarify things from Immortal Northstar, who came from the Immortal Plane and likely possessed valuable knowledge.