Opening the Gate of Heaven with a Single Sword (5)

"The cost of entering the Human World is too high. Without the Path of Immortality, we would have to pay at least dozens of times the price. Moreover, the current Human World can't accommodate beings above the Earthly Immortal level. We can only suppress our cultivation level to Human Immortal, and it's too uncomfortable," the young man muttered.

"Do you want to control the Human World?" The white-haired old man asked.

"In the past, the Human World was full of geniuses, and abundant resources, and we gained a lot by controlling it. However, the current Human World is getting more turbid. The number of geniuses is dwindling. In recent centuries, there have been several upheavals. Instead of facing the threat of being discovered by the Celestial Court and continuing to control the Human World, it's better to let go now. Let the Human World live or perish on its own. We've already harvested enough, so let's cut ties," the middle-aged man calmly stated.