The Storm Subsided! (3)

Seeing this, Li Qingshan said with emotion, "No wonder the world ranked the Phoenix's daughter as the first. Now that I've seen it today, she really lives up to her reputation. I'm impressed. Since the thief is dead, this matter ends here. I thank the Phoenix's daughter for restoring my reputation."

The Phoenix's daughter handed everything flawlessly. Even though she harbored resentment toward Li Qingshan for disrupting her plans, she handled the situation gracefully, leaving no room for criticism.

She was much better than her good-for-nothing Brother.

"Since the misunderstanding has been resolved, please take a seat. I've asked the servants to change the dishes. All kinds of divine medicines and divine fruits have been prepared. Please, honor us with your presence." The Phoenix's daughter turned around with a gentle smile on her peerless face and invited everyone back to the Sun Family's banquet.