I Object! (3)

"Your letter is here." Li Qingshan reached out and grabbed the letter from A'man's hand.

"A'man, continue cultivating," Taoist Dragon said and asked A'man to leave. Then, he looked at the letter in Li Qingshan's hand.

Gilded shape.

Needless to say, it was from the Changsheng Emperor Clan.

"You're right. The letter is here." Li Qingshan gave a cold smile and handed the letter to Taoist Dragon. He was afraid that if he read it, he wouldn't be able to contain his anger and would tear it up directly.

Taoist Dragon took a deep breath and opened the letter. He read the contents inside and browsed through it.

"What's written inside?" Hua Xiangrong asked curiously.

Li Qingshan looked on with a cold face and remained silent.