Emperor's Blood Essence! (3)

To win Li Qingshan over, Changsheng Ling didn't hesitate to pay the cost and promised him great benefits in an attempt to persuade him.

When the people around them heard these conditions, they were tempted. If they were Li Qingshan, they would have agreed immediately.

Right at this moment, Taoist Dragon, who had been projecting his primordial spirit, suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly, "Li Qingshan, I just projected my primordial spirit and wandered around the Changsheng Emperor Clan. I found our sister and sent them out safely. Don't worry."

Hearing that, Hua Xiangrong clapped her hands excitedly and grabbed Taoist Dragon's arm.

Changsheng Ling's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot. He glared at Taoist Dragon with fire in his eyes. He said through gritted teeth, "D*mn you, how dare you ruin my plans?"