Traveling Through The Green Mountains, One Remains Forever Young (3)

There was an endless debate within the Celestial Court.

"Hurry up and get the Emperor to intervene. Li Qingshan can't die. He's the hope of the Celestial Court," A Crimson Immortal roar.

"The Ziwei Emperor has entered the endless void to enlightenment. We are unable to contact him," The elderly from the Ziwei Emperor Clan said.

"What about the Jade Emperor?" Someone asked anxiously. For the sake of the future of the Celestial Court, they had to protect Li Qingshan.

"Our ancestor told us not to contact him as long as the Celestial Court isn't on the verge of destruction," The descendants of the Jade Emperor said calmly.

When one of the Crimson Immortals saw this, his heart trembled, and he felt a chill run down his spine.

Could such a Celestial Court be saved?

He looked at Li Qingshan in the starry sky with a trace of pity in his eyes.

If this was in other forces, wouldn't the various Immortal Emperors join forces to protect him?