Taoist Dragon's Past (2)

The Demonic Divine Concubine saw the name of Li Qingshan, ranked tenth, and for a moment, she vaguely remembered the young man from the past.

However, she didn't connect the two together at all, considering it merely a coincidence, given the vast difference between the Immortal Plane and the Human World.

It wasn't until just now when she looked up at the starry sky and witnessed this great battle, that she saw the appearance of Li Qingshan.

The Demonic Divine Concubine was shocked on the spot.

The current Li Qingshan was not much different from the Li Qingshan in her memory. It was just that he was more calm and composed, and his strength was terrifying.

In fact, he even recovered faster than her and was more powerful.

"How is this possible?" The Demonic Divine Concubine couldn't understand what had happened to make an ordinary talent from the Human World skyrocket in cultivation speed, even surpassing her, a reincarnation of an Emperor.