Realization Magic Treasure (4)

After this, Li Qingshan fell, and the Big Clock would cease to exist as well; it was no longer an independent entity.

But the Big Clock didn't care at all, or perhaps, what could a three-year-old understand?

If Li Qingshan didn't assimilate it, perhaps in a few hundred thousand years, it might grow by a year. Realization magic treasures became harder to develop intelligence as time went on.

This was the limitation of the world because their essence was the Rule power. If they could easily develop sentience, wouldn't that be revolutionary?

"Li Qingshan, what are you planning to do?" the giant sword asked.

"Merge with the Big Clock and step halfway into the realm of Emperors," Li Qingshan said softly.

"Never mind whether the Big Clock is an independent entity or not. But with this merge, if you're not careful, the Rule power contained within the Big Clock could tear you apart."