Young Girl (2)

Especially the Jade Emperor, whose chaotic consciousness in his mind had been suppressed, gradually beginning to restore his true self.

At this moment, he finally awakened.

The Jade Emperor, pale-faced, surveyed his surroundings, especially the immense tremors in the starry sky, murmuring, "Is there another assault on the Fourth World?"

The Ziwei Emperor awoke on the other side, looking out at the world beyond. He saw familiar stars but found the surroundings empty.

"Old friends are falling one by one, like leaves in the wind," the Ziwei Emperor sighed. Now, he no longer concerned himself with past grievances and losses; such matters had dissipated over time.

Those who had argued with them back then were all gone. Their lives were now reduced to the last flickers, like candles in the wind, ready to be extinguished at any moment.

What was there to argue about anymore?