Loophole in the Story

Looking at Chen Guohua, who was swaying from the impact, Lu Ren's eyes narrowed. He did not retreat but advanced, charging forward with his dagger.

Not far away, blood was flowing from the corner of Xiang Yang's mouth, and the bones in her lower body had shattered. Perhaps the impact earlier had caused her internal organs to suffer heavy injuries.

She looked at Lu Ren resentfully and then forced herself to take a breath. Enduring the intense pain in her body, she kept crawling forward with her hands toward the center of the main control room on the third floor.

There was a switch there to control the high-energy particle accelerator.

Before Chen Guohua could turn around, Lu Ren jumped up high and slashed at his neck with the dagger in his hand.

However, Chen Guohua seemed to have sensed it coming. With his back facing Lu Ren, his left hand actually covered the back of his neck right away. Seeing this, Lu Ren had no choice but to retreat. The dagger in his hand was passed to his left hand deftly like a butterfly weaving between flowers, and he slashed down directly on Chen Guohua's left arm.

It was still as easy as cutting tofu.


A large amount of white smoke rose from the incision, and the burnt smell of flesh kept wafting into Lu Ren's nostrils.

He suppressed his disgust and shook his wrist. The dagger actually left his hand. Basic combat had bestowed agility upon Lu Ren. The dagger spun around Chen Guohua's arm and returned to Lu Ren's hand.

Then, Chen Guohua's entire thick arm was severed by this technique and fell to the ground with a bang.

If it had not been for the fact that the dagger was sharp and could cut through anything without hindrance, and that there was only the feel of damping from cutting tofu, Lu Ren would not have dared to do such a thing.

If there was a slight mistake, the dagger would break free and fly out. Without the protection of a sharp weapon, there would be no place to cry when faced with a monster like Chen Guohua.

After removing one of the other party's arms, Lu Ren did not stop at all. Taking advantage of the other party's turning around, he stabbed his dagger ruthlessly at the other party's groin as he landed.


An earth-shaking scream came from the mutated Chen Guohua. The loud sound even made Lu Ren falter.

He suddenly pulled out his dagger and retreated quickly. He did not stop until he was five meters away.

He saw Chen Guohua holding his lower body with one hand and kneeling on the ground. He did not even seem to feel any pain from his left shoulder, and only cared about covering his lower body as he roared.

[Ding… As you have swung the dagger and caused a fatal blow to the mutant (Chen Guohua), the other party has fallen into a near-death state. You have been blessed with sudden enlightenment. Your Basic Dagger Technique has increased by one level and you have stepped into the stage of Beginner's First Grasp.]

Lu Ren grinned and took the opportunity to go forward and swing his dagger, cutting off the other party's head like how he had cut off his left arm.

In three seconds, a head fell to the ground, and Chen Guohua's corpse collapsed to the ground.

[Ding… You have engaged in a high-intensity workout in combat and killed a powerful opponent. Your Willpower, Strength, and Agility Proficiency Levels have increased by 50.]

"It'll be soon! It'll be soon!"

Xiang Yang gritted her teeth, and blood kept flowing out of her mouth. She clung onto the counter at the control room and struggled to prop herself up. She looked at the red power control lever in front of her. Just as she stretched out her hand to touch it, she felt the light in front of her suddenly dim.

Xiang Yang looked up at Lu Ren, who looked deep in thought.

"Does this control device activate or shut down the accelerator below?"

Pure Void said in time, "This is the power switch to reactivate the high-energy particle accelerator. It can activate the Hua particle again…"

"Shut up!!"

Xiang Yang's voice was sharp, and her clear voice stopped abruptly.

Lu Ren raised his eyebrows. "It looks like your authority in this base is higher than mine!"

As he spoke, Lu Ren used the dagger to gently push Xiang Yang's arm away.

"Little girl, are you going to start it or shut it?"

Xiang Yang's expression twisted. The pain conveyed by her body and the hatred on her face made her originally cute face look incomparably ugly at this moment.

"How? How did you find out?"

"Find out?" Lu Ren spread his arms. "You should ask if I had believed you from the beginning. Of course not!"

What a joke. Trusting a person in such a place was tantamount to courting death, let alone a so-called human who had lived in such an apocalyptic ruin for three years.

No matter how old she was, even the delight she had exhibited when she first saw him, while he was surprised, did not stir any waves in Lu Ren's heart.

To be honest, if he had not discovered that the contaminated creatures in the base were within his level of acceptance and that they could rapidly increase his proficiency attributes in combat, Lu Ren would not have any desire to come.

Be vigilant, be cautious, suspect everything, and seize the opportunity to increase one's strength.

These would be the first determinants for surviving in such an environment.

Lu Ren found Xiang Yang's expression of disbelief rather interesting.

"Actually, I'm not interested in this matter at all. Whether you want to expand the spatial passageway or close the spatial passageway, it is of no interest to me. It's just that your attitude of wanting to drag me down makes me very unhappy."

If he did not have his current agile skills, someone like Xiang Yang dragging him down was tantamount to sending him to his death.

Xiang Yang's gaze revealed hatred. "Then get out of the way. Don't hinder me!"

Lu Ren shrugged. "Pure Void, what do you think Xiang Yang wants to do?"

"I'm sorry, Commander Lu Ren. The authority of the Supreme Commander, Xiang Yang, is one level higher than yours. Without authorization, all her information is in the S-rank confidential sequence."

"It looks like you've been here before."

Xiang Yang stared fixedly at Lu Ren. "How is there a loophole in what I said?"

"A big loophole." Lu Ren looked at the time. There were still more than three minutes left.

This would be enough.

"If I were your father, I would definitely broadcast everything I have summarized worldwide through the wireless broadcast. I think many people stronger and more powerful than you would come here. Why hide it?"

After confirming that there was enough time, Lu Ren explained in a rare good mood. He smiled and said, "So you were wrong in the first thing you said. Young lady, lying requires a lot of practice in order not to blush and have an increase in heart rate."


Before Xiang Yang could finish her sentence, her eyes suddenly widened. A dagger had pierced through her heart, revealing the bloody tip of the dagger.

Xiang Yang was seen falling to the ground with her eyes fixed on him. There was no more sound, but Lu Ren's expression did not change.

As for Xiang Yang's true identity, Lu Ren had no interest in knowing.

Being a savior once had already made him very tired!

"Pure Void, my authority is the highest now, right?"

"…Yes, Commander Lu Ren!"

The corners of Lu Ren's mouth twitched. "Then how should we close this troublesome thing?"

"You only need to reactivate the high-energy particle accelerator, capture two Hua particles and let them collide, the energy level of the high-energy particles will collapse and fall, disrupting the stable spatial passageway, causing it to shrink passively and close."

"Is this lever to be pushed up or down?"