Searching for Food, Convenience Stores Had Been Emptied!

"Don't worry, I'll let you leave this world with dignity. But before I help you escape, can you do me a favor?"

Xu Qi came to the worker and said solemnly.

Liu Rong looked down at the red and white bloody mess on the steel crowbar and couldn't help but tremble.

Even though he knew that he was about to die, it was still difficult for him to remain calm in this situation.

"Help you? I'm already a dying man. How can I help you!!"

"You must still be conscious. Please tell me what it feels like to be infected and about to become a zombie. What symptoms will one experience?"

Xu Qi said gently, hoping to use his voice to calm the worker down.

This way, he would obtain some more useful information.

Liu Rong was surprised and his lips trembled.

"Feel? Feel…"

He sat on the ground in confusion and closed his eyes, as if searching for something strange inside him.

"I feel a… a headache! There seems to be… something in my head!

It's like a tumor… and my temperature is rising… my heart rate is too fast…

My entire body is… itchy. Boohoo, I really don't want to die… Phew… Actually… Ah, ah, ah, why don't you… kill me!! It hurts!!"

The worker in front of him had lost consciousness. Xu Qi knew that in a few minutes, he would probably become a zombie.

There was pity in his eyes as he tightened his grip on the steel crowbar.

"Go, Brother. Reincarnate in your next life and fight for a peaceful era!"

He instructed softly, then raised his hand and sent this brother to his death.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Xu Qi couldn't calm down for a long time.

The short interval between being infected by the virus and becoming a zombie was far beyond his expectations.

"Sigh… Looks like ordinary people won't have a good life in the end times."

Xu Qi sighed for no reason. Then he stood up, ready to leave.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a crystal the size of a longan embedded in the head of the corpse on the ground.

The surface of the crystal was translucent, and its surface was so smooth that it reflected the light above its head.

If not for the sudden glimpse of the reflection, Xu Qi might have missed it.

Could this be the so-called virus crystal core?

As a book nerd who had been reading for the last five or six years, Xu Qi was acquainted with many science fiction apocalyptic novels.

Although it was his first time seeing such a thing, he felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

Based on his reading experience, such things were probably quite useful.

With this thought, Xu Qi immediately walked out of the distribution room. He first used the cart to transport the 17 barrels containing 20 liters of water each back to the car. Then he took out a pair of rubber gloves and returned to the distribution room to take the crystal core.

Under the light, the translucent crystal shone brightly. There seemed to be tiny crystals inside, making it look very mysterious.

[Ding… Detected that the host has discovered a zombie crystal core. The God-level selection function is automatically activated. Please choose one of the following rewards.]

Option 1: Simple crystal core armor creation function

Option 2: Simple crystal core weapon production function

Option 3: Simple crystal core potion making function

Option 4: A full set of professional anti-epidemic and anti-virus medical equipment, as well as a crystal core storage bag.

Listening to the system's detailed introduction, Xu Qi looked at the crystal core in his hand in surprise.

He did not expect this thing to have so many uses.

However, Xu Qi did not choose the various production functions. Instead, he chose the fourth option.

After all, he had just come into contact with zombies and his skin was stained by their blood. To be safe, he had to deal with the safety hazard first.

If he let the virus infect him, he would die.

[Choice made. A full set of elimination tools has been installed in the MCV. The crystal core collection bag has been issued.]

Soon a blue silk bag with a smooth surface appeared in Xu Qi's hand. There was a dim glow on the surface of the silk bag. Needless to say, this was one of the black technologies produced by the system.

[The storage bag can ensure that the activity in the crystal core does not decrease for a hundred years. At the same time, it can isolate the smell of the crystal core and the virus on the surface. Host, please use it without worry.]

Before Xu Qi finished observing, the system gave a detailed introduction.

Xu Qi narrowed his eyes slightly. There was indeed a virus on the surface of the crystal core. Fortunately, he now had a tool to eliminate it. Otherwise, he would have been infected!

Thinking of this, he immediately left the water plant and went to the place where the MCV was parked.

"Iris verification successful. The master welcomes your return."

Just as Xu Qi reached the door of the MCV, Noah's smart system opened the door.

At this moment, he noticed that the space in the entrance of the MCV was nearly seven to eight square meters wider.

There was an additional shower room for sterilization. There was also a disinfectant gun, sterilizer, air purifier, and other complete sets of equipment.

It only took a few minutes to complete the entire elimination process.

After Xu Qi finished doing this, he also changed into a fully armed anti-epidemic outfit and a professional anti-virus mask.

After doing this, he threw the handcart back into the water plant. However, he had gained something from this trip.

He saw many tools for carrying clean water. Among them were a crowbar, a measuring tape, and some professional tools like a water filter and an elastic hook rope.

After all, with the zombie outbreak, it was naturally impossible for these water plants to be opened again. There was no point in keeping them.

When he was done, he took off his protective suit and returned to the driver's room.

"Noah, activate the self-check!"

Xu Qi steered the MCV around and prepared to leave. At the same time, he gave Noah an order.

"Beep… Autopsy program activated!"

Car Condition: Excellent

Remaining fuel: 55 liters

Remaining storage space: 74%

Remaining direct drinking water: 340 liters

Remaining power: 86%. With enough sunlight, it is expected to be fully charged in eight hours.

Supplies lacking: weapons, medical care, food, gasoline

Looking at the information on the screen, Xu Qi sighed.

"Looks like it's time to restock some food at the next stop. Noah, navigate to the nearest convenience store."

As soon as Xu Qi finished speaking, Noah had already finished searching the map and replied.

"Beep… There are 64 registered convenience stores within five kilometers. The route has been planned."

Looking at the navigation guide on the big screen, Xu Qi immediately started the car. Now that the virus had spread for more than four hours, it was a race against time to obtain resources.

The MCV quickly left the path leading to the water purification plant. It was drizzling outside the window, which evoked a desolate sense of being in the wilderness.


Xu Qi drove the armored car to the front of a convenience store that was open, but the situation inside surprised him.