Ruling the Hypermarket, Cruel and Despicable

The woman was trembling all over, and there were several scars on her body that had turned from green to purple. She did not dare to resist or even raise her head to look at the people around her. She could only endure the pain and tears and crawl towards the bald man.

She knew that she was not treated as a human by these men at all. At most, she was just a thing that could be thrown away at will. Without their permission, she did not even have the right to stand up!

"Tsk tsk, Brother Hua, you're too ungentlemanly. You just lost a girl to me. Is there a need to lose your temper?

If you injure her with your kicking, how can I play with her?"

Baldy took the chain and lifted the chin of the woman in front of him with his leather shoe. He spoke playfully.

"Tsk, why would I care about these things? In the southern university dormitory building, there are as many such female university students as you want. If this bitch hadn't ruined my luck, I definitely wouldn't have lost this round."

The man Baldy called Brother Hua lit a cigarette and spoke nonchalantly.

"Sigh, enough, enough. Stop talking. There are a lot of people-eating monsters downstairs. If we attract them, no one will be our human punching bag anymore."

A man in a plaid shirt with a knife scar on his face who was sitting by the left window shouted at him to stop.

That shut a lot of people up. Baldy and Brother Hua looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"That's right. If we hadn't been lucky enough to find such a big supermarket for our accommodation, we would have lost our lives."

Baldy smacked his lips and whispered.

It had been more than half a day since the zombie virus outbreak, but when he thought of those people-eating monsters, his legs and stomach could not help but tremble.

"Brother Hua, there seems to be more and more zombies gathering below. I wonder if the supermarket door can hold out."

In the room, a hooligan standing by the window looked at the zombies gradually gathering below and said worriedly.

The hooligans around him looked at each other, not daring to speak.

"What are you afraid of! We've already sealed the front and back doors of the supermarket. Those things can't enter.

All of you are so cowardly. In the future, don't say that you're following Brother Hua. I can't afford to lose face."

Brother Hua cursed angrily with a cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing this, the hooligan immediately shut his mouth and did not dare to say anything else.

The surrounding hooligans retracted their necks, afraid that their big brother would be unhappy and vent his anger on them.

After all, they were not a proper gang. They were just vagrants who had nothing to do on the streets. They were just a temporary group. How could they not be afraid of those terrifying zombies?

When the virus broke out, they happened to be eating together on this street because it was very close to a hypermarket.

Only then would they have a chance to rush into the hypermarket and control the entire place.

But even so, several people died when dealing with the zombies in the hypermarket.

In the next few hours, Brother Xiong promoted Brother Hua and Baldy to be his right-hand men and brought them to occupy the first and second floors of the hypermarket.

Then he gathered the hammers, axes, and control knives in the hypermarket and completely ruled the place.

"Alright, this is everyone's first time experiencing such a thing. It's inevitable that we'll panic. Anyway, the world outside has completely changed. No one can control us. As long as we guard this area well, we don't have to worry about safety and food for the time being."

Brother Xiong, who was sitting at the head of the table, advised them with a fake smile.

Since Brother Xiong had already spoken, this so-called Brother Hua naturally did not dare to act rashly. He immediately nodded and flattered, "Brother Xiong, you're right. We're all ordinary people who lack exposure to the world. Our knowledge is far inferior to yours."

Like a lackey, Baldy at the side immediately went up to light a cigarette for Brother Xiong.

They could only be considered local hooligans at best, but Brother Xiong was someone who had really been around. He had killed more than ten people!

Today alone, in order to seize the initiative in the supermarket, Brother Xiong had killed four to five male employees of the hypermarket. As for the young women who had fled here or were trapped in the hypermarket, they were stripped naked and chained up, and used as venting outlets by these men.

Some of them were even ganged raped in front of their husbands.

It was precisely because of such bloody and violent methods that more than 10 of Brother Xiong's subordinates completely submitted to him.

Now that Brother Xiong had the style of a leader of bandits, no one dared to disobey his orders.

After Baldy lit a cigarette for Brother Xiong, he immediately said with a smile, "Brother Xiong, it's complete mayhem outside. Do you think the army will send people over?"

Brother Xiong took a deep puff of the cigarette and thought for a moment before saying expressionlessly, "It's already so chaotic. The officials won't care about the lives of ordinary people like us.

Besides, we don't have to worry about food and clothes now. There's no need to think so far ahead. We'll deal with whatever comes our way. As long as we have resources in our hands, we're not afraid of anything happening. We can eat and play with women."

Brother Xiong reached out and touched the face of a girl beside him.

The dozen or so hooligans around him revealed meaningful smiles. A few of them tugged at a few young women who were groveling on the floor beside them, preparing to indulge their desires.

Other than the women that the boss, Baldy, and Brother Hua had decided on, all the other women were at their disposal.

Brother Xiong's gaze swept across the people around him and finally stopped at a woman sitting in a corner. There was displeasure in his expression.

When the woman felt Brother Xiong's gaze, she felt like ants were crawling all over her body. Her heart raced and she became fidgety.

Unlike the women kneeling on the floor with dog chains, this woman was over thirty years old and was wearing baggy sports gear.

Although she was a little dejected, her situation was much better than the other women's.

"Brother… Brother Xiong, what can I do for you?"

After much consideration, she stood up and spoke obediently.

Brother Xiong's expression turned cold, and the scar on his face twitched slightly, making him look even more ferocious.

"Wang Mei, where is that most beautiful girl who came to the hypermarket with us this morning?

Did you f*cking find her?"

Wang Mei was so frightened by Brother Xiong's words that she shuddered all over. Her voice trembled as she said with a sobbing tone, "Brother… Brother Xiong, I've looked for her. When we were cleaning the hall earlier, those monsters ran out and caused everyone to run away.

I don't… I don't know. Where did the girl go?"