Clearing the Battlefield

Even Tang Wanqiu, who had been calm in the face of danger, covered her mouth and watched everything in disbelief.

Just now, when Xu Qi was almost surrounded by zombies, Tang Wanqiu impulsively wanted to go and save him. However, she did not expect Xu Qi to solve all the problems alone and slaughter more than 50 zombies!

When it happened, she was so stunned that it took her a few minutes to recover.

She had not seen Xu Qi for only a few months, but he had grown to this extent.

Be it his intelligence or strength, he was so powerful that it felt unfamiliar. She even felt anxious.

In the four years of university, Xu Qi was just the same as ordinary people. After he graduated, he remained down to earth and worked hard to make a living.

Tang Wanqiu could not imagine what had happened during the few months that she and Xu Qi lost contact with each other!

Just as she was immersed in her memories, a piercing buzzing sound woke her up.

At this moment, Xu Qi had already cleaned up the zombie remains at the entrance of the hypermarket and closed the heavy steel roller gate.

"Xu Qi… are you alright?"

Seeing this, Tang Wanqiu immediately ran towards Xu Qi with concern.

"Don't come over. I'm infected with the zombie virus. Let me go wash up first."

Xu Qi stopped Tang Wanqiu from going forward. After explaining, he walked towards the gangster who was lying on the ground with a desperate expression.

Lying on the ground, Brother Hua saw the man with the saber walking towards him and his face turned pale.

Just now, the man had clearly stopped the little beauty from asking about his well-being, afraid that she would be infected by the virus.

But he walked up to them without hesitation. Clearly, he had no intention of letting them off!

"So, do you want me to help you, or do you want to do it yourself?"

Xu Qi threw the remaining nylon rope in front of Brother Hua and sneered.

He had just finished fighting and had lost a lot of stamina, so he wanted this group of people to tie themselves up and save him the trouble.

But Brother Hua seemed horrified!

After all, he was addressed as Brother Hua by his subordinates. How could he die so aggrievedly?

He's not even giving me a suicide knife and is just sending me to my death with a nylon rope. This is too much!

Thinking of this, Brother Hua slowly got up from the ground. He looked up at the man in front of him with his red eyes and said angrily, "Brother! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. If you want us to kill ourselves, you should at least give us a knife, right?"

If it was about anything else, he wouldn't dare to talk to the man in front of him at all. After all, the other party was a ruthless person who easily killed 50 zombies.

But when it came to death, he would at least choose a way to end his own life.

He could not tolerate being given a rope!

"Huh? I didn't ask you to kill yourselves."

Xu Qi was a little speechless. What is going on?

So their conversation was not on the same channel at all!

Xu Qi hated these hooligans who only knew how to bully the weak.

However, at the very least, he was a mentally sound person. The people in front of him did not make him hate them so much that he would kill them.

At the very least, he had to make good use of these people first. When the time came, he would stab them in the back and let them feel what it was like to be oppressed.

If he killed them directly, it would be too easy for this group of people.

"Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and tie up your subordinates. If I attack, I won't care about the severity!"

Seeing that this guy called Brother Hua had yet to move, Xu Qi immediately became impatient.

"You don't want me to entertain you personally, do you?"

As he spoke, Xu Qi pointed at the hooligan who was tightly tied up and leaning against the pillar. He had kicked that hooligan when he was running away, so he had yet to recover.

At this moment, Brother Hua completely understood. After seeing the miserable state of the hooligan, his hair stood on end.

He finally knew that he didn't have to die for the time being. He didn't want to be killed by the man in front of him while he was tied up. He was too terrifying.

The hope of survival made him sober up quickly. The surrounding hooligans quickly got up from the ground and obediently let Hua trap them with the nylon rope.

What was restricting personal freedom compared to dying? They naturally knew what to do.

After everything that happened last night, Brother Hua sat down and trapped his legs. In the end, Xu Qi helped him tie the dead knot on his hand.

In order to prevent this hooligan called Brother Hua from doing anything, Xu Qi even specially checked the knots of the others. Without exception, they were tied up tightly.

Seeing that everything was tidied up and there was no strange commotion outside, Xu Qi was relieved.

He immediately said to Tang Wanqiu, who was monitoring the hooligans, "Wanqiu, keep an eye on them first. I'll wash up to disinfect myself."

Tang Wanqiu nodded. "Go quickly. I'll keep an eye on them. There won't be any accidents."

Xu Qi smiled and quickly left the first floor. However, in order to cover his tracks, he went to the second floor first and then climbed over the window to the underground parking lot.

Seeing that the young man with the saber had finally left, the tied-up hooligans heaved a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, Brother Hua still found it difficult to dispel the grudges in his heart.

From the conversation between the little beauty and the saber-wielding man just now, he realized that the two of them actually knew each other.

If not for the fact that Boss was lusting after and provoking the little beauty on the third floor, he probably would not have become enemies with that man and end up like this.

They might even be able to recruit the other party. At that time, with such a fierce person in the team, they would no longer have to be afraid of zombies.

Unfortunately, no matter how regretful he was, time would not turn back. Although it was better to be in such a state than to lose his life, it was not much better.

At some point, they might be used by that man as bait or tools and get killed in the process.

Thinking of this, Brother Hua sighed and completely accepted his fate.

On the other side, Xu Qi took a detour and returned to the MCV.

It took seven or eight minutes to disinfect everything from top to bottom.

"System, how many points do I have now?"

After the disinfection, Xu Qi wanted to know his recent data.

When he was killing the zombies earlier, he did not expect his combat ability to have increased so much. Previously, he estimated that it would take him 10 minutes to finish the battle, but in the end, he finished everything in three minutes.

The huge change in his body was a surprise to him. At the same time, it made him want to understand the current situation.

After all, only by knowing oneself and the enemy could one win every battle.

[Ding… Host has accumulated 58 points.]

Soon, the all-powerful system gave the answer.

"Oh, then it seems like I can unlock the next choice soon. System, check my current attributes again."

[Beep… query complete. The results are as follows…]