I've Shown My Cards. I Have A Super Cool MCV!

Xu Qi smiled and moved past Tang Wanqiu as he walked downstairs.

"Thunk… thunk."

In the quiet night, Xu Qi's footsteps were clear and steady, as if he had no intention of stopping.

The female workers retracted their necks when they saw this. They did not want to get involved in these things.

Tang Wanqiu stood on the spot, her thoughts in a mess. She didn't know what to do!


The heavy fire door was pushed open. The hinges groaned as if unable to bear the weight.

"Wait, I'll leave with you!"

Xu Qi had just pushed open the door and was about to leave when Tang Wanqiu's anxious voice sounded behind her.

He turned around and looked at the staircase. At this moment, Tang Wanqiu had already run down.

Tang Wanqiu's choice surprised Xu Qi.

It was obvious how dangerous it was to leave at this time. Staying in the hypermarket was clearly the best choice.

However, Tang Wanqiu still chose to leave with him. Xu Qi couldn't figure it out.

"Don't you know how dangerous it is out there? Why are you leaving with me?"

Xu Qi couldn't help but ask.

Tang Wanqiu pouted and looked at Xu Qi aggrievedly. She said angrily, "I want to leave after careful consideration.

You know, I have a sister who's a year and a half younger than me. After she graduated, she worked as a nurse at the Red House Hospital. But since yesterday, I haven't been able to contact my sister. I suspect the hospital she's in is where the initial zombie outbreak happened. I want to find her!"

Tang Wanqiu fumbled when she said this. She had to pause for a few seconds to think of what to say. This gave Xu Qi reason to suspect that Tang Wanqiu had just made up this excuse on the spot.

After all, with Tang Wanqiu's intelligence, it was impossible for her to come up with such a lame excuse. Even a straightforward man like him could sense the meaning behind her words.

"Oh, alright then. Since you want to follow me, hurry up and pack your things."

Xu Qi pretended not to sense it and said seriously.

Tang Wanqiu nodded, looking very obedient.

Xu Qi first cleaned up the zombies nearby. However, in the process, he saw a few fresh corpses that had been gnawed until only bones were left.

Through the torn clothes, he could barely recognize these three corpses as the hooligans he had chased out earlier.

Looks like two had escaped. They're lucky!

Xu Qi muttered in his heart. Then he found a cleaner shopping cart in the corner of the hypermarket and brought the necessary supplies with him.

In less than two minutes, Tang Wanqiu walked down from the second floor again.

This time, she changed into proper sportswear and carried a rose-gold suitcase.

"I took a portion of the supplies. See what else is missing."

Xu Qi pushed the half-filled shopping cart to Tang Wanqiu and gestured for her to pack some necessary supplies.

The shelves on the first floor of the hypermarket were in a mess. There were not many things to choose from, but Tang Wanqiu still found a lot of useful things. Soon the shopping cart was filled.

Xu Qi walked around a good part of the hypermarket and finally found a large pink pack of feminine hygiene items on a fallen shelf.

"Well, it's almost time to go."

Xu Qi placed the pack of sanitary pads in the shopping cart and prepared to leave.

When Tang Wanqiu saw that thing, her face turned slightly red.

She usually went to the supermarket to buy sanitary pads herself. This was the first time someone else had helped her pack them.

Fortunately, Xu Qi did not notice Tang Wanqiu's strange behavior. Instead, he pushed the shopping cart through the staff entrance and headed for the underground parking lot.

"Hey, did you drive here?"

Tang Wanqiu stood beside Xu Qi with a flashlight and asked curiously.

Xu Qi nodded and said with a smile, "Of course. It's so dangerous outside at this time. Without a car, we won't be able to go anywhere."

After Xu Qi finished speaking, he reached out and gently tapped the wireless earpiece twice.

The next moment, a strong light suddenly flashed in the vacant lot in front of them. Under the light, an armored vehicle that looked like a steel beast appeared.

The armored vehicle was more than eight meters long and more than two and a half meters wide. It was like a giant against the surrounding small cars, giving people a visual impact.

In particular, the black steel plates on the exterior of the armored vehicle reflected the cold light of the metal. There was even some zombie blood which had already condensed into a dark brown color.

"This… this can't be your car!"

Tang Wanqiu stood rooted to the ground, almost dumbfounded.

This kind of armored vehicle was like a walk-in castle in the apocalypse. It was hard to imagine how Xu Qi managed to get such a huge vehicle. Moreover, it was obvious that it had been modified.

Its defense capability was probably at the military level!

"Of course. If I wasn't confident enough, I wouldn't have come out of the hypermarket in the middle of the night. Don't just stand there. Hurry up and move the things to the car."

Xu Qi pushed the shopping cart to the back of the MCV and used his fingerprints to open the trunk. The trunk of the MCV was equipped with a huge storage space. It was more than enough to store a shopping cart and two hiking bags.

With Tang Wanqiu helping to organize the things, they quickly moved everything into the trunk.

"That's about it. Let's get in the car."

Xu Qi closed the trunk and brought Tang Wanqiu to the front of the MCV.

(Beep… The door of the owner is open. Welcome home.)

Noah's voice came through the earpiece.

Xu Qi smiled at Tang Wanqiu and said mysteriously, "Get in the car. Ladies first."

Tang Wanqiu was so shocked by the scene in the MCV that she was speechless.

There was actually a separate shower room and a full set of killing tools at the main entrance.

After pushing open the roller glass door, the space in the car suddenly opened up. This gave Tang Wanqiu the illusion that the space in the car was larger than it looked from the outside.

Looking at the clean and bright living room in the armored vehicle, Tang Wanqiu felt a sudden warmth in her heart.

There were soft leather sofas on both sides and a large dining table that could be raised or lowered. There was a projection screen on one of the walls, with a sound system that was dozens of centimeters tall on each side.

Behind the half-open curtains was a large sightseeing glass window. A row of orange atmosphere lights overhead illuminated the entire carriage with warmth and brightness.

Tang Wanqiu's eyes almost popped out.

However, this was far from over. Soon Tang Wanqiu found a central air conditioner and a complicated air purification system hanging on the side of the car.

"Come, I'll show you other places."

Seeing Tang Wanqiu's look, Xu Qi couldn't help but smile in his heart. He immediately brought her to the kitchen area.

The kitchen area was only slightly smaller than the reception area, but it was fully furnished and more luxurious than the average family kitchen.

The first thing she saw was the embedded high-power exhaust fan. Below it was a double gas stove. On the left was a high-capacity double water tank and a tap that could be adjusted at will.

There was a double-door refrigerator, a microwave, and a dishwasher. There was even a coffee machine on the long kitchen counter!