Red House Hospital

Tang Wanqiu nodded in response.

The two of them ate for less than 10 minutes. In this short process, Xu Qi scooped two more bowls of rice.

He realized that his appetite had increased a lot. He immediately began to consider the remaining rice in the MCV.

Although there were many other snacks and fast food in the MCV, these could not replace rice and vegetables for Xu Qi.

Unfortunately, they did not bring much vegetables out of the hypermarket. They did not even fill the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Fries, bread, and drinks were just seasonings in life. The main elements still needed to be filled with meat, vegetables, and rice.

It was 9:30 in the morning.

Tang Wanqiu returned to the kitchen with the remaining dishes and cutlery.

Xu Qi returned to the driver's seat and studied the way to Red House Hospital.

Soon Tang Wanqiu finished dealing with the kitchen trash and came to the driver's seat.

"Come on, let's keep going!"

Xu Qi immediately started the car. With the help of the 360-degree image, he successfully reversed the car and left the alley.

The nine o'clock morning sun was not strong. The day was turning out to be cloudy.

Xu Qi steered the MCV and sped along the main road to the Red House Hospital.

"Beep… Currently 21 kilometers from the Red House Hospital. ETA 25 minutes."

Noah quickly gave the distance between the Red House and the current location. The data was obvious.

"By the way, Wanqiu, your sister must have worked at the city center hospital for more than a year."

Xu Qi recalled that during a meal, he had heard from Wanqiu that her sister had gone to the hospital to work. Before that, he had seen Wanqiu's sister twice from afar.

"Yes. My sister studied nursing in university. Later, she was assigned to the city center hospital. She was fine until the day before yesterday."

Tang Wanqiu looked out the window at the retreating road and fell into her memories.

"From the looks of it, the outbreak of the virus should have started downtown. Maybe your sister knows something. She might have gone into hiding in advance after receiving the news, so you don't have to worry too much."

Xu Qi comforted her as he drove.

Tang Wanqiu nodded. She looked at the red fortune sign hanging on the roof of the car and felt inexplicably calm.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Qi drove the MCV off the main road. After turning at a four-way intersection, the two of them arrived near the Red House Hospital.

The Red House Hospital was located in the bustling downtown area.

Therefore, zombies could be seen everywhere on the streets. The once prosperous shops had closed their doors, one after another.

All kinds of business circles, 4s car shops, and jewelry buildings no longer existed.

Even the dozens of office buildings were filled with zombies.

The zombies were wearing decent suits and looked defeated. They staggered at the intersection, unwilling to leave.

Even the government buildings were empty at this moment.

The official troops inside had probably already evacuated.

The center of Qingzhou City, a place where every inch of land was worth a fortune, had become like this.

This visual impact made Xu Qi and Tang Wanqiu unable to calm down for a long time.

The entrance of the Red House Hospital not far from the road was filled with cars. All kinds of cars were parked at the intersection. Some of them collided with each other and their bumpers became distorted.

The surface of the white paint was covered in traces of brown blood. There were also many people who were infected and turned into zombies before they could get out of the cars. They were strangled on the spot by the seatbelts.

From this chaotic scene, it could be seen that when the virus broke out, those who were initially infected were rushing to the hospital.

The city center was even more crowded. At that time, the Red House Hospital would have received many patients who were unconscious or had already started to have the desire to bite.

It compromised the safety of the Red House Hospital which was penetrated by zombies and eventually became paralyzed.

However, even though he saw that the Red House Hospital had become like this, Xu Qi did not stop thinking about going to the hospital.

He went to the hospital to investigate. Firstly, he wanted to obtain more firsthand reports about the development of the virus and the source of it. He wanted to obtain more information related to the virus to unlock more functions and options in the system.

Secondly, he wanted to find Tang Wanqiu's sister in the hospital.

Seeing the densely packed vehicles, Xu Qi knew that it was impossible for him to rush in with the MCV. If he wanted to enter the hospital, he had to get out and walk.

"With the jam outside, the MCV wouldn't be able to get in. Stay here. I'll go to the hospital to take a look."

Xu Qi filled the Desert Eagle with bullets and instructed Tang Wanqiu before getting out of the car.

Seeing this, Tang Wanqiu immediately grabbed Xu Qi's arm.

She frowned slightly and said in a flustered tone, "I want to go with you and find my sister together!"

Xu Qi shook his head. He handed the other tranquilizer gun to Tang Wanqiu and said solemnly.

"In this situation, I might even be in danger. Besides, no one knows what's going on in the hospital. Stay here. I'll contact you through wireless earphones. If anything happens to me, come and pick me up immediately!"

Xu Qi said this with a serious expression. Then he took out the Tang saber from the driver's seat.

"Noah, activate the scan."

As Xu Qi said this, the display screen at the side immediately lit up.

"Beep. Holographic scan activated. Scan range: 50 meters. Duration: 20 minutes."

Xu Qi took a rough look at the display screen and realized that the outside of the Red House Hospital and the first floor were already occupied by a large number of zombies. There were at least a hundred of them.

He could not predict if there would be any danger on this trip.

Tang Wanqiu stood at the side, looking a little nervous.

"I'm leaving. Everything is going according to plan."

After saying that, Xu Qi immediately opened the door of the car and quickly jumped out.

"Noah, scan into wireless mode."

After getting out of the car, Xu Qi closed the door of the car and immediately whispered.

"Beep, it has switched to wireless mode. The information will be transmitted to you by sound. Estimated time remaining is eight minutes."

Xu Qi hung the Desert Eagle in the gun box at his waist, then pulled out the Tang sword and Water Dragon Roar. He looked coldly at the zombies not far away.

After throwing the scabbard into the special space in his bracelet, he immediately walked quickly towards the Red House Hospital.

The main entrance of the hospital had been blocked by those vehicles. The ground of the security booth was covered in blood and limbs.

When the surrounding zombies saw a living creature, they immediately rushed over and were easily cut off by Xu Qi.

The blade trembled slightly, causing the brown blood on it to be flicked away. Xu Qi jumped into a van in two steps and immediately jumped over the three-meter-tall wall of the hospital.