If You Don't Want to Do It, Get Lost

Along the way, Zhou Mingrui constantly observed the surrounding environment and quickly memorized the terrain.

Soon, Zhou Mingrui followed Zhao Anqi and the others to the wall.

After studying the wall and seeing that their combined attacks were futile, Zhao Anqi immediately began to command her team.

First, Zhao Anqi used her flying summoned beast and tried to fly past the wall with her followers.

However, after they flew up and hit the invisible barrier in the sky, Zhao Anqi immediately dismissed the idea.

"Dig! Since we can't fly out of the sky, we'll dig a tunnel underground!" Zhao Anqi frowned as she looked at the wall.

Next, the group immediately began to select and gather dozens of summoning spirits with digging abilities. Under the command, they began to dig wildly into the soil under the wall.

Zhou Mingrui did not participate or stop them. He simply stood in his spot and quietly observed their actions.