You Wrecked My Body

You Wrecked my Body

"At this point, please don't laugh at me anymore," Zhou Mingrui said as he rubbed between his deeply furrowed brows.

"What? This is the first time I've seen you like this. You're always so brazen, so I didn't expect to see you get so distressed over this." Yan Wuyue felt much better seeing him in this state.

Zhou Mingrui said gloomily, "Yan Wuyue, don't go too far. Since we have two teammates, we should each be responsible for one. That's the fairest way."

"I'll leave Zhao Anqi to you, in case you misunderstand something again. As for Xiao Shengyun, I'll take care of him. I'd love to see how he's going to deal with me."

"I didn't misunderstand anything," Yan Wuyue snorted. "Who knows if you did it on purpose that time?"

Although she was unhappy, Yan Wuyue did not reject Zhou Mingrui's suggestion as she knew that this arrangement was for the best.

Ding dong~

Just then, the doorbell suddenly rang.