You Two are Still Too Weak

You Two are Still Too Weak

Everyone's heart skipped a beat when this happened.

Until now, this was the first time anyone had seen Zhang Mian's skill, and it seemed to have a terrifying and mysterious effect.

"Only the weak will howl and bark like a weak dog when they fail."

Zhang Mian slowly walked towards his opponents. His expression was calm and indifferent, but he naturally exuded an aura of superiority.

"Yet, the right to speak has always belonged to the strong and winning side."

As he walked up to the three of them and looked at his opponents who could not even move a finger, Zhang Mian shook his head and said, "It's not too late to understand this. You may leave."

With a wave of his hand, the three students were thrown out of the arena.

" V-Victory belongs to Zhang Mian's team!"

The referee was stunned for a moment before he regained his composure and announced the winning team.