The Function of the Mysterious Treasure

The Function of the Mysterious Treasure

"I was wondering why you valued this item so much, so that's why."

Zhou Mingrui finally understood why Yan Wuyue had placed so much importance on the first place's prize from the very beginning.

"How do I use this?" Zhou Mingrui carefully observed the branch in front of him.

"I actually don't know either, but when I received it, the Academy told me that I just need to place it in my hand and close my eyes to sense it, and my body will automatically absorb it." Yan Wuyue said.

"Then you should try that," Zhou Mingrui reminded.

"No, you use it first." Yan Wuyue placed the branch in front of Zhou Mingrui.

"What do you mean?" Zhou Mingrui asked with a frown.

Yan Wuyue picked up a branch and placed it in Zhou Mingrui's hand. "I have an theory in mind, but I can't fully confirm it before it's proven."