The Fifth Master of the Zhao Family

The Fifth Master of the Zhao Family

The two men in suits looked at each other and then nodded slightly, as if they had reached some kind of understanding.

The next second, a light flashed beside them and two summoned spirits appeared.

One was a strong beast that looked like a tiger, while the other was a humanoid spirit with four horns and a goat's head.

The moment their summoned spirits appeared, the two of them immediately released their powerful auras. They attacked at the same time.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple."

The moment Zhou Mingrui felt his opponents' energy, a set of exquisite bone armor appeared on his body. At the same time, two solid and heavy bone shields appeared in his hands.

With a bang, the opponents' attack landed on the shield.

The two men in suits were slightly shocked. The next moment, they felt a huge force coming from the shield, sending them and their spirits flying.