Combat Techniques

Combat Techniques

Without anyone noticing, Zhao Guian had already arrived in front of Zhou Mingrui.

"Take note, your opponent is about to use the true strength of his level. You have to watch carefully how I use your power to deal with this situation," the higher consciousness form warned.

Zhou Mingrui did not respond and instead focused on observing.

He knew that this was a crucial moment for his growth. He had to put in all his effort to carefully observe and understand this battle.

In the outside world.

The moment Zhao Guian appeared, Zhou Mingrui (the higher consciousness form) had already raised his palm and activated his skill.

[Phantom Riot]

The fifty percent increase in energy immediately burst out and was compressed to the extreme in an instant, attaching to the Nether Flame Bone Blade.

At the same time, the blade was already slashing towards Zhao Guian.