The Auction Begins

At that moment, Zhao Anqi felt a sense of satisfaction that she had never felt before. A bright smile blossomed on her face, and all the unhappiness and anger she felt disappeared.

"Miss, we've arrived at the auction house."

At that moment, the driver's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Cough cough.

After clearing her throat, Zhao Anqi tidied up her clothes and looked at Zhou Mingrui. Both of them nodded and got out of the car.

Looking at the antique-looking wooden door in front of him, it looked like an ancient academy. The plaque hanging on the door even had the words "Treasure Gathering Pavilion" written in gold on a black background. The whole place had a strong smell of books.

The two black doors with gold nails were wide open to welcome guests. Several guards in green were registering and checking the invitation letters of the guests.