The Berserk Lizard

The Berserk Lizard

When Zhou Mingrui heard that the purple lizard was heading towards his direction, he immediately gave the Goblin King the order to engage.

The Goblin King seemed to have sensed the approaching danger, and immediately locked its gaze in the direction of the giant purple lizard.

The ground began to shake slightly, but the Goblin King stood still, his gaze never shifting away from that direction.

However, after a few seconds, the ground suddenly stopped shaking.

Zhou Mingrui's eyes narrowed. He was certain that the purple lizard would not stop its attack. In that case, it must be hiding in preparation for a sneak attack.

However, the Goblin King held its breath. It didn't choose to run or attack randomly. Instead, it closed its eyes and calmed down.

After about 40 seconds, the Goblin King, which had been motionless all this time, suddenly moved. It quickly raised its right arm.