The Strange Fog

[What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this fog?]

Hearing Yan Wuyue's words, Zhou Mingrui immediately became alert. He began to look around, but he didn't find anything.

[The problem is this fog.] Yan Wuyue said with a serious face.

This made Zhou Mingrui's heart skip a beat. After all, Yan Wuyue had never shown such an expression when she was besieged by the Stone Mantises.

[Is this fog poisonous?] Zhou Mingrui thought of the first possibility.

[No, this fog is actually its "domain".] Yan Wuyue said after taking a deep breath.

[Domain? Who is it?] Zhou Mingrui could sense the seriousness in Yan Wuyue's words.

[A monster that only lives in this white fog. It's extremely powerful in the fog, and no one knows what it really looks like.]

Yan Wuyue's voice was full of fear. [Because those who have seen its appearance have already died in the fog.]

Zhou Mingrui was a little stunned when he heard that. What was this?