Another Beast Tide

Another Beast Tide

The great spear in his hand began to emit a low sound, indicating it was fully charged with a red light.

Biochemistry Upgrade

After the skill was activated, the four tentacles suddenly deviated from the gun's body and directly stabbed into the ground. The gun began to expand by two times as it received more energy, and the barrel became thicker.

The red beam of light also expanded in size in an instant, and at the same time, it carried a strong particle current.

This time, the ball of light that could still block the attack was instantly melted by the red light beam that had become even stronger. Meanwhile, the figure of light had already disappeared without a trace.

"Want to run away, huh?" Lieutenant General Yu snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, sir. He won't be able to escape!" a major General also walked out and said in a clear voice.