The Figure of Light's Scheme

The Figure of Light's Scheme

[ Afraid? ]

Upon hearing Yan Wuyue's words, Zhou Mingrui sneered through the voice transmission. [Do you think I'd be afraid of those pathetic puppets that are being controlled? ]

Yan Wuyue said, [I may not know anything about psychology, but I was once dead. You look like me after witnessing war several times. ]

[ It's something called post-traumatic stress syndrome. To be honest, the current beast tide is nothing compared to the monsters after the great calamity. ]

[ That's why you should be glad that you have the chance to get used to this kind of traumatic scene through battle. I didn't have the time back then, and I had to face a beast tide that was even more terrifying than this. ]

[ During that period, I wasn't allowed to grieve because the world after the great calamity was too chaotic. Before true order was established, I lived under heavy pressure. ]