The War with the Beast Tide (1)

The War with the Beast Tide

The monsters soon reached five hundred meters in front of the defense line.

At this moment, the various weapons on the defensive walls began to roar. Countless bullets and shells were like a metal torrent that swept out.

At the same time, all sorts of missiles were fired from the base, bombarding the beast tide.

This was also what made Zhou Mingrui exclaim in shock. This world clearly had the advantage of having summoned spirits and a strong physique, but their thermal weapons were as developed as in his previous world.

The only thing they lacked was nuclear and some special weapons.

However, these weapons could only cause minimal damage to the thick-skinned monsters. Fortunately, some of the low-tier monsters were still killed.

Most importantly, these low-level monsters were just cannon fodders doomed to die. Soon, a large number of monsters with thick skin and flesh or hard biological shells took the lead.