The Electromagnetic Thunderstorm

The Electromagnetic Thunderstorm

Zhou Mingrui didn't even need to ask to know that this move was the riskiest one for them.

From Yan Wuyue's expression, he could tell that they would die here if they didn't run fast enough.

In the sky, the meteorite-like plasma had expanded to an extremely large extent.

However, it began to shrink slowly in the next moment.

"The electromagnetic thunderstorm has entered the intermediate stage. We only have less than 20 seconds to run away before it erupts. Once we are affected, we will have no chance of survival. Run!" Yan Wuyue shouted.

This time, Yan Wuyue and Qi Ming did not hold back at all and used all their strength to accelerate.

After ten seconds, the giant plasma ball that was hundreds of meters in diameter had shrunk to about thirty meters.