The Figure of Light's Plan

The Figure of Light's Plan

[ This will lead to the powerful beasts of the alternate dimension, who were supposed to wait for the erosion of the alternate dimension before they could enter, invading in advance and causing the speed of the erosion to increase sharply. ]

[ It seems like this is going to be a terrible disaster. ] The Tree of Life sighed.

[ I know that I might not get an answer to this question, but I still want to know if there's a way to stop or solve this disaster in advance, ] Zhou Mingrui asked.

[ The solution is very simple. That is to destroy the beasts with the corrosive energy of the alternate space. This way, the world you are in can rely on its recovery ability to repair the damaged barrier as soon as possible. ]

[ As for the method to stop it, I'm sorry, my knowledge base doesn't have the answer. Or rather, you haven't reached the level that you can complete it, ] the Tree of Life replied.