Anyways back to the story, I was laying in my bed listening to music, thinking about the past. I was feeling pretty shitty, when suddenly I got a notification on my phone, the short ringing sound drew me out my own head and I checked my smart phone to see what it was. It was a notification of a Facebook message from Molly.

It read: "Hey, I see you accepted my friend request. Here's my cell number, text me sometime."

I immediately forgot about my sorrows as I read her message. I know I had resolved to keep my hormones in check, but what harm could come from just talking to a girl? So I saved the attached number to my phone, then proceeded to send a text.

Me: Hey, it's Alan. I just got your message.

Molly: Great! And now I've got your number, I hope you don't mind if I give it to Katie, Amanda, and Erin.

Me: No, that's fine.

Molly: Awesome. So what ya up to?

Me: Just laying in bed listening to music til I get tired, probably go to sleep here in a few minutes.

Molly: Yeah same here. Hey, text me tomorrow and we'll meet up for breakfast. Goodnight!

Me: Will do. Goodnight.

With that I turned off my phone and plugged it into the charger, then went over to my computer and shut it down. I laid back down in my bed and closed my eyes to go to sleep. My first day was finally over, and all in all it hadn't been so bad. I met several girls who were nice and fun to be around. Maybe this school wouldn't be so bad after all, I thought as I fell asleep.

Over the next few weeks, I talked to Molly and the other 3 girls quite a bit, and we all were getting along pretty well. I was beginning to enjoy this new school I had been dreading at first. I was actually having fun. Sure, there were still plenty of other girls around school that would shoot me the stink eye anytime they saw me and they would even direct their looks towards Molly, Katie, Amanda, and Erin when we were spending time together. Anytime we had free time the 5 of us would hang out, sometimes we would even leave the school campus to go into the city and catch a movie, visit shops, or grab a bite to eat when we got tired of eating at school. Molly and I had especially gotten closer, we would talk with and/or text each other most everyday. We'd gotten to where we talked about most everything with each other, no matter how personal. We trusted each other implicitly. But the one thing I could never bring myself to tell her was about the trouble at my old school, I wanted to avoid reliving those sour memories at all costs, I would take them to my grave if possible. Also I just didn't want her to think less of me, even though I was sure she may be the only person who would believe my side of the story, I still couldn't bring myself to talk about it. And even though I was certain I was beginning to fall this girl, I could never make a move, my past still haunted me and prevented me from doing so.

Anyways volleyball season was just about to start so that meant the girls wouldn't have as much free time anymore because they would be busy practicing. Luckily Molly and the girls invited me to come watch their practices anytime I wanted. So when I got done with classes for the day I would go sit in the gym bleachers and do my homework as I watched them practice. Which served as good entertainment, but also good eye candy as often times the girls would practice in just their sports bras and short tight athletic shorts. It was almost as if they forgot there was a hormonal teenage guy sitting in the bleachers watching them, or they just didn't care. Either way it provided me the opportunity to get a better look at their bodies. But anytime I found myself staring for too long, I would have to reprimand myself, after all I had promised myself I wouldn't get into the same situation that landed me in so much trouble at my old school. I told myself it was okay to look, but I mustn't try to take it any further than that. No matter how beautiful these girls were, I had to fight my urges, I could not afford to screw this up. Little did I know, on one particular day I would soon find myself embroiled in a similar set of circumstances but with a very different outcome.

Said day was a Wednesday, practice had been cut short because Molly had rolled her ankle trying to go for a save. It wasn't severe or anything and wouldn't inhibit her from playing in the upcoming first match, but the coach had told her to stay off it for a few days. After the practice was cut short that evening Amanda and I helped Molly walk by letting her brace herself on our shoulders. We first went to the cafeteria for a quick meal, then we helped her to her dorm room. That's where we parted ways and I went to my room, where I relaxed on my bed with some music playing on my computer. It was just past curfew when I heard a knock at my door, I got up walked over to the door wondering who could be visiting so late. I opened the door and to my surprise it was Molly, still in her practice clothes.

"Molly, what the hell? I thought you were supposed to stay off that ankle?" I said in shock. "Not only that, do you know how late it is?" I continued.

"I know. Look can I come in and sit for a bit?" she said with pain in her face and voice.

"umm.. okay.. sure" I nervously said, I couldn't in good conscience just make her limp all the way back to her room.

"Don't worry, my roomie is sleeping and everyone else in their rooms, so no one saw me." she said, as I helped her over to the chair at my desk, shutting the door behind her and making one last check that nobody saw.

"Okay, but what about Danielle? What happens when she does her nightly room checks?" I said, worried that the RA could pop in at any second and get the wrong idea about why Molly was in my room.

"Oh, she's out with her boyfriend tonight. She won't be back til late. But that's a secret, so shhh.. don't tell nobody." she replied with a giggle. "Seriously, don't tell anyone, she could lose her job." Molly stopped laughing.

"Ok. So what's up?" I asked, still confused as to why Molly was in my room.

"Well I tried to sleep but this damn ankle hurts so bad. After awhile I got bored and wanted someone to talk to. Seeing as my roomie is sleeping and I knew you would still be up, I just decided to come see you." Molly replied, flashing that same cute smile that I had become entranced by on many occasions.

"Damn, I had no idea it hurt that bad, tough break, I'm sorry. Let me know if there's anything I can do." I said, showing real concern.

After a pause, as though she were mulling it over, she finally spoke.

"Actually, there is something I could use your help with." she said, looking at the ground as she spoke.

It was obvious that she was nervous, what could she possibly want help with, I wondered.

"Well.. ya see, since my ankle was hurting so bad I couldn't take a shower earlier and I feel so nasty from sweating during practice. And I'm not supposed to put any weight on it... so.. umm.. could you maybe help me get to the shower and make sure I don't fall?" she said, looking as innocent as possible.

I could hardly believe what I'd just heard. I wanted to refuse, because I knew where this could potentially lead and I did not want to go through that kind of trouble again. But then again maybe I was jumping to conclusions, maybe she really did need help, after all she had just hurt her ankle.

"I don't know, Molly. Don't you think there's someone better you could ask, like another girl?" I said,

"I would, but everyone else is asleep, you're the only person I know that stays up this late, and it's not like anyone will see us, everyone is sleeping after all and Danielle doesn't get back until much later when she goes out with her boyfriend. It'll be fine, plus I trust you not to peek, so what's the problem?" Molly replied.

After thinking about it for a second, I realized that I was probably just reading too much into the whole thing, besides Molly most likely wasn't interested in me in that way, I was as you might say, in the friend zone.

"Okay, you make a valid point." I said.

"Great! Now if you would please help me back to my room so I can grab a towel and a change of clothes?"she responded.

"Yeah, no problem." I said letting her brace herself on my shoulder as I quietly helped her down the hall to her room.

Once we got to her room I waited by the door as she quietly grabbed a towel and clothes from her dresser. We she finished I let her brace herself once more on my shoulder and helped her limp back down the hall to the showers.

"Thanks for doing this Alan." she said as we reached the bathroom.

"You're welcome." I replied.

I stood with my back turned to her so I couldn't see as she braced herself on my shoulder to get undressed. And I assure you, the idea of an extremely attractive girl getting undressed right behind was certainly enough to get the blood flowing. I waited outside the stall while she showered, as she had requested, so I could help in case she fell.

As thoughts of this hot naked girl showering right there near me flooded into my brain, I began to feel a slight stirring in my loins. I would have to be careful, to avoid her noticing. Although as more thoughts flooded in, the ever increasing bulge in my pants was becoming much harder to conceal.

Finally after about 15 minutes or so of waiting, I heard the water turn off. Molly reached her arm out from behind the curtain, so I handed her the towel she'd brought. Like before I kept my back turned so I wouldn't see her when she came out of the stall. Then, I guess she underestimated how wet the floor was and only being on one foot had made it even more hazardous because as she exited the stall she slipped and began to fall. Having good reflexes, I instinctively turned around to grab her and prevent her from falling. But due to the awkward way in which she was falling, I slipped on the wet floor as well as I caught her. With a thud I had fallen onto my back and Molly had fallen on top of me. It took me all of a few seconds to realize that the towel she had wrapped around herself had come undone in the commotion, and she was now lying on top of me with her wet modest B-cup breasts pressed against my chest. The only thing between us was my thin t-shirt which was now wet from her body.

"Oh shit, are you okay Alan?" she asked.

"Yeah.. are you okay?" I asked in return.

"I'm good, because you caught me, thanks for that by the way." she replied, giving me a quick peck on the cheek, seeing as our faces were just inches apart anyways.

I had no time to think about the kiss on the cheek, however small it was, because that's about the time I realized that her thigh was pressed right up against my crotch. She without a doubt could feel the rock hard bulge against her thigh, I was terrified. I then felt her nipples begin to harden against my chest as we just stared each other in the eye in complete silence. Then without warning Molly leaned her face down and kissed me on the lips. In that instant every bit of resolve I had to not make those same old mistakes had crumbled. Without even thinking about it I began to kiss her soft supple lips back. We kissed there on the floor for almost a minute before Molly broke our kiss.

"I've waited so long to do that." Molly said, staring me in the eyes once more.

Wow, I thought, she was waiting to kiss me? I could see immediately that Molly had a fire in her eyes, and judging by the rigidity of nipples and her slight breathlessness, I could tell she was just as turned on as I was.

Before things could progress any further, I got up and helped Molly up off the floor. As a courtesy I was careful not steal any glimpses of her naked body and turned my back again so she could finish drying off, trust me I know how difficult that was. When she finished drying off she didn't put her fresh clothes on, she just wrapped the towel around herself again. She then turned me around and kissed me on the lips again. When she broke our kiss I looked her in the eyes and saw that the fire was still there.

"What do ya say we go to your room?" she asked in a seductive tone.

After all that talk about not making the same mistakes, here I was. My resolve had been completely crushed, all my trepidation about being with another girl after what happened last time had been thrown into the wind. Lust was the only emotion in my body. I nodded in the affirmative then we grabbed her things and I helped her down the hall to my room. Once we got to my room and the door shut behind us we dropped her things on the floor and began kissing once again. We then broke our kiss and stepped back from one another, almost in the same motion Molly dropped her towel to the floor, revealing her naked body to me. My jaw almost dropped at the sight. Her B-cup breasts weren't very big but they were perky, they were a bit paler in tone than the rest of her tanned body and were capped with a pair of pink nipples and areolas. My eyes scanned down her body, she had a thin patch of pubic hair just above her perfect tight looking pussy. Everything about her seemed so flawless and I wanted her. There was no denying it anymore, I had to have her.

"Alright, now take off those shorts, I wanna get a look at that thing that was poking my thigh." Molly said as I continued scanning her perfect body.

Without saying anything, I responded by first taking off my shirt, revealing to her for the first time my modestly muscled torso. I watched her eyes scan over my upper body, I could tell she was pleased. I then hooked my thumbs under the waistband of my shorts and pulled down my shorts and boxers in one motion. My sizable rock hard cock sprang forth from its bindings and stood straight out. Molly's eyes widened at first, then she began to bite her lip, as she stared at my engorged member.

"Oh my gosh, that's big." she said.

I smiled at her compliment. If there is one thing I was truly blessed with it was being well endowed, about 9 inches when fully erect. Molly and I simultaneously moved towards one another and our lips met for another kiss. This time she parted her lips to allow my prying tongue access to explore her mouth, I did the same and soon our tongues were wrestling in each others mouths. As we tongue kissed, I began caressing Molly's taut sexy body, I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her firm muscular ass cheeks. She moaned into my mouth when I brought one hand up to her breasts and began groping them, feeling her nipples harden even more. By the time we broke apart both of us were breathing heavily and had begun sweating.

"Skip the foreplay, I need you inside me now." she said in a low almost pleading voice.

Molly then sat down on my bed and laid back with her legs spread. She squeezed her small perky tits, looking up at me with a pleading look on her face. She wanted this just as bad as I did. I positioned myself at the end of the bed between her spread legs, and began rubbing my cock along the outer lips of her soaking wet slit, I was about to enter her for the first time when I stopped in my tracks because I had a sudden realization.

'Shit, I don't have a rubber." I said, panic beginning to set in.

"It's fine, I'm on the pill. Just please, fuck me already." she said in that same pleading voice from a moment ago.

Relieved by her response I lined my cock up with her dripping wet snatch and began slowly pushing forward without any further delay. Molly let out a quiet but prolonged yelp as her pussy lips stretched to accommodate my girth. She was really tight, but I could tell she was no virgin. After a steady push finally I had bottomed out in her, I stopped for a moment to give Molly's strained pussy a chance to get used to my buried member.

"Oh my god.. I almost didn't think you were gonna fit" Molly said, clearly out of breath.

"Yeah? Well when there's a will, there's a way." I said, looking down at her with a grin.

"I'd say so.. Now come on, what's the hold up? You gonna fuck me or what?" Molly said, biting her lip.

I was taken aback by her pleading candor. I know she wanted this at least as much as I did, but it was almost as if she was desperate for a good fuck. Though, I suppose her being in a school with only girls for the past several years she probably didn't get many opportunities for sex, so she certainly would be more than a little pent up.

"Oh, I can do that." I said reassuringly.

I then slowly drew my hips back, Molly moaned as my cock inched out of her tight wet pussy. Just when I had pulled all but a couple of inches out of her, I quickly rammed my full length back into her snatch, she let out a vocal yelp in response. I did this several more times and Molly, realizing she was getting a little loud, put my pillow over her mouth to muffle her moans.

Getting bored with the slow pace, I began to speed up. Molly continued to moan into the pillow.

"mmhmm.. fuck yeah.. please.. faster.. please go faster ...and harder" Molly breathlessly pleaded.

I then increased my pace tenfold, I began thrusting my hard cock in and out of her dripping wet pussy as fast and hard as I could. She let out a muffled cry of ecstasy into the pillow as the sounds of our colliding flesh rang through the room. She wrapped her legs around my back, her feet interlocking over my ass as I vigorously thrusted into her, I let out a grunt and a sigh with each push. Even though her breasts weren't very big, those perky little things were certainly jiggling violently with every movement.

As I rammed into her with a powerful push, her interlocked legs pulled me deeper into her and her surprisingly strong leg muscles kept me from pulling out.

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming!" she managed to utter.

With that her whole body tensed up and her pussy clamped down on my shaft. Then her muscles began to twitch and relax as I felt her cum wash over my buried cock. The added sensations caused my own orgasm to come racing through me. With one last groan I tensed up and began shooting rope after rope of hot jizz deep inside Molly's pulsating pussy.

My climax left me drained and I went limp and collapsed onto the bed next to Molly. Both of us were breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

"Holy shit, that was good. I needed that more than you know." Molly said as she got up off the bed and began putting on the clean change of clothes she'd brought with her to the shower.

"I should be getting back to my room now." she said, as she finished getting dressed and started gathering her things.

"How's your ankle? You gonna be alright getting back alone?" I said, remembering her injured ankle.

"Oh that quit hurting a while ago, don't worry. It's amazing what a good fuck does for pain." she said with a giggle.

I let out a laugh as well. Molly then grabbed the rest of her things from off the floor and made her way to my door.

"We should definitely do this again sometime." she said with a wink before leaving.

As my door shut behind her, I laid there naked in my bed thinking about the last thing she'd said. We're gonna do this again, could my life get any better? I silently asked myself. I fell asleep like that, full of anticipation. Of course unbeknownst to me at the time, my life was going to get better, a lot better.

The next morning I awoke to my alarm going off, I had my first class within the hour. As I got ready, all I could think about was what happened the night before with Molly. We had sex, and I felt great, after feeling so depressed about the past for so long, it was just what I needed. Sure, I was a little sad that when my resolve was truly put to the test, I ended up failing. And her last words before leaving my room, saying we should do it again sometime. I couldn't wait to see her again, and I couldn't wait to see where things would go from here.